Scalextric Layouts – 27 Circuits for Model Motor Racing

slot car racing circuits

Some of the best Scalextric layouts can be the smaller, simpler tracks that can fit on a 4′ x 8′ table. This keeps all the action nice and close to the drivers. This Scalextric publication from 1985 provides 26 different slot car layouts that can fit on a 4′ x 8′ table, and one that is just over nine feet long. The long track can easily be shortened by removing a pair of straights.

scalextric track plans

Scalextric Layouts – Classic vs. Sport

These track plans are designed using Classic track. However, you can easily draw inspiration from them and recreate them using today’s newer sport track. Some modifications and tweaks will be needed when using newer track. The older Classic track included some different radius curves than what Sport track offers. This is where having a nice Scalextric track editor can come in handy. You can start laying down track and tweak things until you achieve a successful recreation or something totally unique and perfect for what you want. Designing tracks can be be just as fun as sitting them up and racing them sometimes.

scalextric classic track

scalextric sport track

Several of these layouts utilize a unique narrow chicane section that is only available in Scalextric Classic track. You can purchase Classic to Sport converter track if you want to mix the two. We have found that some slot cars can run through this narrow chicane without issue where others have difficulties. A good substitution for these sections are the newer side swipe sections. Placing two of these back to back and alternating the lane that narrow simulates a similar chicane style feature. If you enjoy this Scalextric publication of track layouts, check out some of the other Scalextric Track Plans we have posted. Download this Scalextric layouts PDF below.

scalextric classic chicane

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Larry Stub

being old and just getting back int this i have a AFX Super International Track set 4 lanes I need some plans to put this on a 3×7.5 ft track can anyone help me obviously HO scale